Rhonda R. Crabtree
Founding Attorney
Rhonda is the attorney of our office. She is happily married with 3 children and 4 grandchildren. She has 2 undergraduate degrees and 3 graduate degrees including her Juris Doctorate Degree. She is an alumni of the Nashville School of Law and Tennessee Technological University. She has been practicing law for over 20 years and previously worked in mental health/alcohol & drugs for 12 years. Rhonda enjoys traveling, hiking, and working with her husband on their farm.
Practice Areas
- Nashville School of Law - Nashville, TN
- 08/1996 to 06/2002
- Tennessee Technological University - Cookeville, TN
- 08/1999 to 05/2001 - Courses toward Masters Business Administration
- Educational Specialist Degree - 08/1998
- Emphasis on Agency Counseling, GPA 3.90
- Masters Educational Psychology - 05/1996
- Emphasis on Agency Counseling, GPA 3.82
- CASA – Member Board of Directors, Treasurer, Chairperson
- Public Relations Committee
- Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth
- Legislative Committee Member
Work Experience
Rhonda R. Crabtree Law
10/2004 to Present - Ashland City, Tennessee
Sole Practice Attorney
7/02 to 12/04 - Dickson, Tennessee
Crisis Response Technician
- Evaluate persons in crisis situations
- Preauthorize insurance
- Locate facility for hospitalization
- Utilize community resources
Nippert & Nippert
4/02 to 10/04 - Ashland City, Tennessee
Associate Attorney
- Family Law
- Criminal Law
- Personal Injury
- Civil Law
Suntrust Bank
5/01 to 6/02 - Nashville, Tennessee
Estate Paralegal
- Transfer and distribution of stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, homes, personal property
- Assisted attorneys with distribution of estates up to 10 million
Plateau Mental Health
12/93 to 03/01 - Cookeville, Tennessee
Director of Adult Case Management and Crisis Response Team Contract Worker
- Supervision of 11 case managers and one secretary
- Data Computation and Evaluation
- Interview and evaluate employees
- Define and quantify client’s need for assistance
- Train employees throughout the larger Volunteer Behavioral Health System